Topographic and geodetic surveys

Topographic and geodetic surveys are conducted to ensure the seismic acquisition process and various types of economic activities. In particular, they are necessary when conducting of construction, land survey, geological and other works which are conducted in a particular area.

The major task of topography is to determine the coordinates and altimetry data of reception and excitement points, sections of profiles, rappers.

Additionally the topographic survey is used to determine the location of existing wells, previously worked seismic profiles, and other topographic objects with mapping onto a topographic map.

When conducting seismic surveys, the topographic and geodetic team of Enterprise LTD performs the following works:

Topographic-geodetic surveys are fulfilled with using the dual-frequency GPS Trimble GPS Trimble R10 GNSS complexes by experienced and qualified personnel of Enterprise LTD. All the obtained results are transferred to the customer after completion of works.